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Socializing After COVID-19? Consider Live Events

Writer's picture: Brent and SarahBrent and Sarah

Updated: Sep 3, 2021

What’s better than catching up with an old friend? All is well until they ask the age-old question: “So, what have you been up to?”

A year ago, you might have answered by talking about the concert you just attended, or the comedy show you went to the other day. Now, you’re discussing how many hours you spent watching Netflix in one evening. To say that things have changed would be an understatement.

We’re waiting anxiously for things to get back to normal. The world is finally opening up again, and we can do things other than sitting on the couch. But what events can you plan to break the ice with your friends?

Attending a live show can take the pressure off; it makes you feel like you’re back in the good ol’, pre-COVID days. You can spend the night laughing with loved ones and talking about everything you saw afterward.

Let’s start things off with a bit of honesty. Socializing post-COVID is...a bit strange. It’s hard to know exactly what your friends, family, and acquaintances are comfortable with. It can be hard to understand what you’re comfortable with until you’re in the thick of socializing.

We’re out of practice! Socialization is like a muscle, and spending time with others is like a workout. It’s good for you, and it’s healthy, but if you’re not careful you might end up straining something.

First, know this: it’s okay if things feel a bit awkward, or you feel a bit anxious. Most of us are right there with you. Check out these tips for socializing from Berkeley’s Greater Good Magazine. They might help.

Now that we’ve talked about the elephant in the room, here’s a proposition to keep your socializing easy and breezy - live events. Why live events? Well…

They take the pressure out of socializing

You meet up with your friends, talk for a bit, then - boom! You’re watching a live performance. That takes all the pressure off - and after the show, you’ll have something pretty interesting to talk about. You can continue to hang out once the show’s over if you feel up to it - but if you don’t, you can just go home!

It’s a great way to wade back into the waters of socialization and it gives you a great conversation topic. It works like magic - trust us.

They’re incredibly safe

On this point, we have to admit that your mileage may vary - we can only speak to the laws in Ontario, and they vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. At the time this article is being written, the laws are very clear about capacity limits for indoor events. Social distancing is in effect, and there’s a mask mandate in place.

Of course, you should only go out if you feel comfortable doing so - but if you do, know that every effort is being made to keep you and your friends safe. It’s a good way to socialize and see other people enjoying themselves - all in a low-risk environment.

They’re fun!

We’ve all had a pretty stressful year or so. And live events are fun! At least, our magic show is - we can’t speak for every live event.

You deserve a chance to unwind and watch a funny, silly, enjoyable show. Something that will baffle, amuse, and surprise, all without asking you to think too much about what’s going on.

That is, unless you want to figure out how the tricks were done. We invite you to try.

We’re Toronto magicians Brent and Sarah, and we’d sincerely love to have you and your friends at one of our live shows! We’re incredibly excited to have the opportunity to perform for you again.

Our show is magic you have to see to believe. Whenever you’re comfortable, we’ll see you there!

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